Connecticut Assisted Living
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Ask any senior and they will probably overwhelmingly vote for home care over a residential facility. But family members have to weigh the pros and cons of each type of care. When is home care a viable solution for a senior’s need? [
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With the harsh, winter weather quickly approaching, many older adults choose to travel. They choose to escape the snow, ice and cold temperatures for a more luxurious winter of warm weather and sunshine. With school in session, popular travel destinations are often less crowded and can be booked at a cheaper rate. Before traveling this winter, here are some tips you should consider as a senior for safe and healthy travels. [
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Aside from the foods you consume, research has also found that spending moderate amounts of time in the sun can be helpful in preventing dementia. New research suggests that adults with low vitamin D levels have a higher risk of developing dementia as well as Alzheimer’s disease and other cognitive problems. [
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