Washington Assisted Living
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Whether it is your first day of retirement or you are celebrating your 70th birthday, you may have the urge to splurge from time to time. Whether you are interested in a vacation home, a cruise or a fancy car, celebrating a milestone in your life may sometimes cause you to want to splurge. [
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Assisted living, or custodial care, is not, as many people think, like living in a rest home where your entire day is spent bed-ridden or sitting in a wheelchair. In fact, assisted living can be provided in your own home. It's really just what it says it is; assisted living. [
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As you reach the age of retirement and the post-retirement years, it may become necessary to consider long term health care. You will have to read and comprehend policies and other documents that discuss long term care. As in many sectors of life, long term care has its own language with terminology that the average lay person won't understand. [
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