Wisconsin Assisted Living
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Search assisted living communities in Wisconsin. Find assisted living homes that offer a number of different amenities and services ranging from laundry services, social events and more.
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Nearly 1 of 4 Americans have a musculoskeletal condition that requires medical attention; many of these Americans are senior citizens. What can you do to fight the complications that often come along with aging bones? [
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When you were a child, making friends at school was no problem. Once you graduated and entered the workforce, making friends at work was also done with ease. However now that you are retired, where do you go to make new friends? [
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Many seniors want to retain their independence in the performance of their daily tasks. They also have to keep their dignity as much as possible. As they age seniors will need more care and assistance whether in-home, in a retirement community, in an assisted living facility or a full-care nursing home. [
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