Virginia Assisted Living
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Search assisted living communities in Virginia. Find assisted living homes that offer a number of different amenities and services ranging from laundry services, social events and more.
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Fitness experts have indicated that walking just may be as valuable as aerobic exercises such as swimming, running or riding a bike. Exercise is one of the oldest forms of exercise known and can be one of the most beneficial to senior citizens. [
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With the baby boomers quickly approaching or have already hit the age of 60, it is more important now more than ever for seniors as well as those approaching their senior years stay active. [
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Assisted living, or custodial care, is not, as many people think, like living in a rest home where your entire day is spent bed-ridden or sitting in a wheelchair. In fact, assisted living can be provided in your own home. It's really just what it says it is; assisted living. [
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